
Case Status

Completed Records

Convenient Billing

Office Staff


J&H offers a high level of flexibility, tailoring its services to the needs of its customers is top priority. There are several basic components to the general services provided.

Record request submission: records can be submitted by:

  • Secure data file transfer;
  • On-Line through the J&H Secure Website;
  • Secure E-Mail with the patient authorization attached;
  • Fax
  • Mail – Regular/Overnight

Once requests are received by J&H, the provider is matched to our proprietary provider database to determine the specific requirements for records to be obtained from the indicated provider or facility. If necessary, J&H will contact the facility from which records have been requested within a matter of hour of receipt of the client request for records.

Provider fee record charges:

When appropriate, J&H will contact the provider to negotiate the record fee to the lowest possible rate. Through the use of the proprietary J&H provider database, J&H is able to negotiate to lowest possible provider fee for records requested by its clients.

Doctors Fee Payments:

Because J&H will pay provider fees directly at the time of order origination, the amount of time required to retrieve requested records can be significantly reduced. J&H utilizes the best payment approach that will expedite the delivery of requested records to our clients.

Follow up on records requests:

Trained Case Managers will follow up on submitted requests. Case managers are assigned to each J&H client based on the expected volume of requests submitted by each client. From the time the authorization has been received, follow up will be every 2-3 days until records are received by J&H.

Case Status Information:

J&H understands the best status information is the delivery of the requested records! During processing, J&H takes pride in keeping our customers updated with the most current case status information by providing its clients with online real-time access to detailed case status notes on each request we handle through the J&H website. In addition, J&H clients can elect to have automatic case status update secure emails sent directly to the email address for the individual who submitted the records request.

Transmittal of records requested:

Once requested records are received by J&H, they can be delivered to clients in several ways:

  • Data file transfer through XML, SFTP and other secure means;
  • On-Line through download from the J&H Secure Website;
  • Other client specific approaches as requested

All records received by J&H prior to 3:00 pm PT are transmitted to J&H clients the same day.